


Open registration

Join us for an immersive choral workshop tailored for choir directorsand conducting students eager to delve into the specialized realm ofprofessional opera choirs. From June 5th to June 10th, 2024, MaestroPablo Assante, the current director of the renowned Coro del Teatre delLiceu in Barcelona, will lead this transformative experience.Participants will engage intensively with choral excerpts from operas bymasters such as Mozart, Donizetti, Verdi, and Puccini, gaininginvaluable insights into the nuances of proffessional operatic choraldirection.

A unique feature of this workshop is the active involvement of a VocalEnsemble comprised of seasoned professional singers and a pianist.This ensemble will not only enhance the learning experience but alsoprovide participants with the opportunity to work alongside and learnfrom seasoned professionals in the field. The culmination of theworkshop will be marked by an open class, allowing participants toshowcase their newfound skills and knowledge. Moreover, theworkshop extends a warm invitation to singers and musicians at large,providing the option to register as observers and absorb the wealth ofmusical expertise being shared.

Don’t miss this exceptional chance to refine your choral conductingskills within the enchanting realm of opera, guided by the expertise ofMaestro Pablo Assante and enriched by the collaboration with aprofessional Vocal Ensemble. Whether you are a seasoned director, abudding conductor, or a music enthusiast, this workshop promises to bean unforgettable journey into the heart of operatic choral artistry.