Learning by doing


DMI Development of Musical Intelligence in children

In the Concertante Academy we believe that all students have musical skills to develop, as a sum of abilities that may trigger as well further generic skills.

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Learning by doing  

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Exàmens ABRSM

The students of Concertante also have a chance to be examined by the Royal Schools of Music in the same Academy facilities.

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Concertante in your school

If you are interested in offering your students the opportunity to study music as an extracurricular activity, Concertante offers you our teaching experience with lessons held in your school at scheduled times.

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Concertante at home

Should professional, extracurricular or family obligations make it difficult for you to attend our centre, we can put a teacher at your disposal who travels to your home. Thus, with weekly classes of at least 1 hour, you will be able to follow the course.

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